Intentionality, intuition and constitution: a study on the pheonomenology within Husserl’s Logical Investigations


  • Alejandro Escudero Univeristy of Chile



Intentionality, Categorical Intuition, Ideal Objects, Constitution, LU, Husserl


The present work has the objective of examining the concept of constitution in the Logical Investigations, specifically in the VI Investigation. For this it is necessary to dwell on the fundamental concepts of Intentionality and Intuition. It is at this point where we can trace the concept of constitution, particularly in the delimitation of categorial intuition and the subsequent presence of ideal objects. So we can observe it in a non-transcendental terrain, about the epistemological guidelines that Husserl was establishing in his early work.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Escudero, Univeristy of Chile

Master in Philosophy at the University of Chile. This article was presented in the framework of the First Phenomenology Colloquium of the University of Chile "Lecturas de Husserl", held on October 17 and 18, 2017.


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How to Cite

Escudero, A. (2018). Intentionality, intuition and constitution: a study on the pheonomenology within Husserl’s Logical Investigations. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(11).



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