Life, truth, and error in Foucault's latest works


  • Julia Monge National University of Cordoba



Foucault, Canguilhem, Nietzsche, verdad, vida, error


Based on the analysis of one of the last texts written by M. Foucault, namely, "Life: experience and science" (1984), in this article we propose to reconstruct the relationship between the problematizations of the author and thought from one of his teachers: Georges Canguilhem. Following the plot lines that are displayed in such an article, we consider that it is possible to recognize a second level of reading of it, which would correspond to a second level of writing: Foucault would not only be exposing there the importance that Canguilhem's investigations reported for problems of the time, but would perform, at the same time, a reflective exercise on their own work itinerary. From such an approach, we attach special importance to a mention that, at the time of greatest philosophical intensity of the writing, Foucault makes Nietzsche. In the exploration of that second level of implicit writing, we suggest that the influence of both Canguilhem and Nietzsche on Foucault's work should not be limited to certain thematic affinities, but rather can be perceived in the constitution of a way of thinking. Influences, therefore, that could be recovered as a horizon in the study of Foucault's latest works.


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Author Biography

Julia Monge, National University of Cordoba

Degree in Philosophy from the National University of the Coast. PhD in Philosophy at the National University of Córdoba. CONICET Scholar. Research topic: Truth, philosophical praxis and ways of life: the reception of Nietzsche in the last Foucault.


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How to Cite

Monge, J. (2015). Life, truth, and error in Foucault’s latest works. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(4), 135–149.



Research Articles