The exile as essence: an approach to this category in María Zambrano


  • Amanda Pérez Morales Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla



exile, essence, man, vitalism, ontology


The entire work of Mary Zambrano is crossed by the category of exile. From texts as Ciudad ausente (1928) up to Historia de la piedad (1989), we find a deep reflection of what exile means and what means to be an exile person. Now, to reduce this category to a clearly political-social problem, would be to reduce the ideas of this author. For Zambrano, the exile will be something more than an exile. It will be part of the essence of man.


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Author Biography

Amanda Pérez Morales, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

Degree in philosophy from the University of Havana. He has published the novel The Acid Jazz of New Zealand (2014, Editorial La Pereza, United States). His works can be found in Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, the United States, Cuba, Japan, Colombia, Chile and Mexico. He has lectured and participated in conferences at the École Normale de Paris, University of Barcelona, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Universidad Autónoma de México and Universidad de la Habana.


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How to Cite

Pérez Morales, A. (2017). The exile as essence: an approach to this category in María Zambrano. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(8), 171–199.



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