Notion of crisis: meaning, limits and timelines of concept


  • Angela Boitano Universidad Diego Portales



crisis, breakthrough, sovereignty, corporality and vulnerability


In this article examines the uses, meanings, and validity of the notion of crisis. This review is based on the analysis of the polysemy of the concept (I), as well as a non-exhaustive review of the treatment made by some authors such as Jürgen Habermas and Bolívar Echeverria (II). Finally, based on Foucault and Butler's readings, the potential of the notion of crisis as an analytical tool to understand our present marked in Chile by the revolt of october and then by the global pandemic is sustained (III).


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Author Biography

Angela Boitano, Universidad Diego Portales

"Doctora filosofía. Líneas de investigación: democracias liberales y demandas por diferencia, violencia y precariedad en capitalismo tardío. Algunas publicaciones: Boitano(2018) “Acerca del suicidio hétero-referido y la huelga de hambre reivindicativa”, Revista de Filosofía, Volumen 74 (2018) 41-54. Boitano (2017) “La etnia y el género en relatos de mujeres profesionales e intelectuales mapuche: tradición y emancipación”, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 52(5). Boitano (2015) “La exclusión del otro desde la elite y el Estado”, POLIS Revista Latinoamericana, Vol. 14, Nº 41, 2015, pp. 353-372.


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How to Cite

Boitano, A. (2020). Notion of crisis: meaning, limits and timelines of concept. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(14), 11–29.