Ramón Valls Plana, Comentario integral a la Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas de G.W.F. Hegel (1830) (Abada, 2018)


  • Ignacio de la Carrera F. University of Chile




Encyclopedia of philosophical sciences, Ramón Valls Plana, G.W.F. Hegel


This work is intended as a complement to the translation into our language that Ramón Valls Plana made of the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences (Abada, 2017, bilingual edition). In the words of the author himself, more than a comment, it is "an invitation, an accompaniment and a help for the daring reader of Hegel's book" (p. 11). It is therefore not aimed at a specialist audience, but at students and fans endowed with enough curiosity, courage, patience and enthusiasm to immerse themselves in the thick jungle of Hegelian jargon.


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Author Biography

Ignacio de la Carrera F., University of Chile

Student of the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile.


Ramón Valls Plana, Comentario integral a la Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas de G.W.F. Hegel (1830) (Abada, 2018)



How to Cite

de la Carrera F., I. (2020). Ramón Valls Plana, Comentario integral a la Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas de G.W.F. Hegel (1830) (Abada, 2018). Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(15), 181–183. https://doi.org/10.69967/07194773.v1i15.295