The Just Savings Principle and the end of the world


  • Daniel Loewe Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Felipe Schwember Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez



Rawls, Theory of Justice, Political Liberalism, Just Saving Principle, Catastrophic Scenarios, Global Warming


The article examines the justifications made by Rawls in Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism in favour of the Just Savings Principle, and uses as a context of analysis the catastrophic scenarios proposed by claims of global warming and climate change. It is argued that the justifications provided by Rawls are insufficient, and that his saving principle is an inadequate response to the challenges presented by these catastrophic scenarios.


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Author Biography

Daniel Loewe, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Doctor en Filosof ́ıa de la Universidad de Tu ̈bingen, Alemania (2002), y licenciado en Filosof ́ıa de la Pontificia Universidad Cato ́lica de Chile. Profesor titular de la Facultad de Artes Liberales de la Universidad Adolfo Iba ́n ̃ez en Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

Loewe, D., & Schwember, F. (2021). The Just Savings Principle and the end of the world. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(17), 4–19.