Mímesis, Ecphrasis and Metaphor in the Rhetoric of Emanuele Tesauro





Aristotle, Tesauro, metaphor, mímesis, ecphrasis


The body of this work sets out the task, in the first instance, of bringing to the surface of the philosophical stage the rhetoric of Emanuele Tesauro in his prime work Il Cannocchiale aristotelico, essentially his "theory of metaphor", to account for a thought of which there are few comments in Spanish. On the other hand, work is undertaken to expand one of the questions that are properly seen in Chapter XIV "Delle Argutezze Verbali" of the Cannocchiale, about mimesis and metaphor, and a posible ephfrastic explanation on this issue. For this we will be attending, mainly, the work of Tesauro and Aristotle, and specifically of the latter, Poetic and Rhetoric.


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Author Biography

Lucas Agustín Pérez Picasso, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Finalizado los estudios de la carrera Licenciatura en Filosofía (UBA - FFyL), docente en Filosofia, diplomado en "Filosofía y Psicoanálisis" por la Universidad de Ciencias empresariales y sociales (UCES) y titulado en "Introduction to philosophy" por la Universidad de Edimburgo. Especializado en "Filosofia de la historia" y "Tropología", perteneciente al grupo de investigación "Metahistórias" (UBA) a cargo de los Drs. Nicolas Lavagnino y Verónica Tozzi.


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How to Cite

Pérez Picasso, L. A. (2022). Mímesis, Ecphrasis and Metaphor in the Rhetoric of Emanuele Tesauro. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(18), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.69967/07194773.v1i18.367



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