Consciousness as a thematic bridge between phenomenology and analytical philosophy


  • Esteban Diego Ortiz Medina IIF-SADAF



analytical philosophy, phenomenology, higher-order theory, self-representational theories, phenomenal consciousness, pre-reflective consciousness


Usually the relation between phenomenology, as part of so-called continental philosophy, and analytic philosophy is shown as a conflict. But this does not have to be like this. That is the reason for this work. To do this, a thematic bridge will be drawn, bridging the gap between phenomenology and analytic philosophy. That bridge will be the reflections on consciousness by higher order theories in general and self-representational theory, specifically, as representatives of analytic philosophy, and phenomenology. In this way it will be shown that philosophies that at first appear as conflicting can be reconciled because their approaches on a theme are similar. The above will be achieved through an affirmation, a negation and a correction.


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Author Biography

Esteban Diego Ortiz Medina, IIF-SADAF

Bachelor of Education, Universidad de Concepción. Professor of Philosophy, University of Concepción. Magister in Philosophy, University of Concepción. CONICET Scholar Researcher of the Philosophical Research Institute (IIF) of the Argentine Society of Philosophical Analysis (SADAF).


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How to Cite

Ortiz Medina, E. D. (2017). Consciousness as a thematic bridge between phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(9), 125–150.



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