The becoming of tragic: Greece and the spirit of music




Tragic, Dionysian, Apollonian, Untimely, Socratism


This article proposes an evaluation of the untimely character (unzeitgemäß) of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, based on a philosophical understanding of the concept of the tragic. The Nietzschean treatment of the tragic from Greek art is central to expose a critical consideration of the philosophical tradition, in the way of conceiving studies on Greek Antiquity. Regarding the above, the proposed hypothesis maintains a thematic continuity between the ideation of the Apollonian-Dionysian of 1872 and the critique of metaphysics elaborated in the mid-1880s. The interpretation proposed here follows from an analysis of the philosophical intuition of the Apollonian and the Dionysian, as an original phenomenon of Greek art. Then, the meaning of this philosophical intuition is evaluated considering Zarathustra's idea of ​​wisdom. Finally, a counterpoint in the sense of the tragic with the criticism of Socratism will be specified, establishing its philosophical scope in the modern philological study of Greek philosophy. In accordance with the above, the present investigation seeks to provide some reading keys around the untimely sense of the concept of the tragic, that is, it proposes an evaluation of said concept in light of its relevance in the field of research on the philosophy of Nietzsche, as well as in the philosophical inquiry of the ancient Greek world. 


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Author Biography

Fernando Barriga Ortega, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Es Licenciado y Magíster en Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Durante el 2022 imparte cátedra de Filosofía antigua y de Filosofía contemporánea al Bachillerato en Humanidades (UAH).


Recursos bibliográficos

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How to Cite

Barriga Ortega, F. (2022). The becoming of tragic: Greece and the spirit of music. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(19), 14–26.