Educação musical platônica em Richard Wagner em Bayreuth




Nietzsche, Plato, feeling and thinking, musical education, Richard Wagner in Bayreuth


In this article a new interpretation of Richard Wagner in Bayreuth is proposed: far from being an artifact of Nietzsche’s youthful devotion to Wagner, it stands beyond any idolization of Wagner and uses his art as a vehicle for a renewal of musical education of the kind proposed by Plato in the Republic and in the Laws. After documenting Nietzsche’s intellectual independence from Wagner already in the period of WB, the notions of ‘correct feeling’ and ‘incorrect feeling’ are discussed, ostensibly taken from Wagner but used by Nietzsche in a very different manner. The notion of correct feeling then serves as a bridge to an account of Plato’s musical education, and to demonstrating the presence of a highly analogous conception in WB. It is then showed how the effects of this envisioned musical education are integral to a truly liberated humanity, as Nietzsche describes it in the final chapter of WB. The text concludes by highlighting several moments of this musical education that were later developed by Nietzsche at greater length under the auspices of his immoralism, and by suggesting possible avenues for further research


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Author Biography

Jozef Majerník, University of Chicago

Ph.D. from the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. His dissertation is an interpretation of Nietzsche's Untimely Considerations as a single, coherent whole, with particular focus on the understanding of the human soul articulated therein. Some of the dissertation's findings have been published as “The Psychological Theory of On the Utility and Liability of History for Life” in the 2020 edition of Nietzsche-Studien. Besides Nietzsche, he is interested in Plato, phenomenology (especially Jan Patočka and Leo Strauss), and modern returns to ancient thought.


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How to Cite

Majerník, J. (2022). Educação musical platônica em Richard Wagner em Bayreuth. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(19), 27–38.