On the stoic roots of the cartesian concept of bona mente/bon sens


  • Rodolfo Leiva Universidad Nacional de Rosario




Descartes, Roman stoicism, Seneca, bona mens, bona sens, reason


This paper attempts to prove the stoic roots of the Cartesian concept of bona mente/bon sens using a working hypothesis based on the existence of a dual nature in the stoic concept of bona mens, a goal and a way to achieve that goal (wisdom and "good and healthy soul"), which is also present in the Cartesian work, especially in his early writings as the Regulae ad ad directionem ingenii and the Studium bonae mentis. Then we shall analyse how this acquires a new meaning in his later works such as the Discours de la methode, and finally how it disappears from the Cartesian lexicon replaced by the modern Cartesian "reason".


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Author Biography

Rodolfo Leiva, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Degree in Philosophy from the National University of Rosario (Argentina), PhD in Humanities, mention in Philosophy from the National University of the Coast (Argentina), Research Assistant in Chair, History Chair of Modern Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, University Rosario National (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Leiva, R. (2015). On the stoic roots of the cartesian concept of bona mente/bon sens. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(4), 89–100. https://doi.org/10.69967/07194773.v1i4.112



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