The kategoriale Anschauung in the LU VI, cap 6


  • Francisco Abalo Univerisity of Chile


Husserl, Phenomenology, Kategoriale Anschauung, Fulfillment, Intentional Act


The aim of this article is to present some of the key aspects of the well know doctrine of the kategoriale Anschauungen of Edmund Husserl in the LU VI, 6. If the explicative scope of his doctrine is restricted to the problem of the conditions of possibility for the truth of our statement, and if the Husserl’s doctrine of truth is accepted, then is clear that the kategoriale Anschauung is in fact a new form of presentation of the objects, a new form that is constituted under the scheme Sachverhalt. In the last parts of this article it’s being discussed why the question about the intuitivity of the categories, if this refers to a certain independent object, is a misleading question.

Author Biography

Francisco Abalo, Univerisity of Chile

Assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Chile. This article was developed within the framework of the project "Function and methodical sense of the reference to the factual life in the early lessons of Martin Heidegger" Nº11170331, funded by the FONDECYT Contest of Initiation in Investigation 2017. Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

Abalo, F. (2018). The kategoriale Anschauung in the LU VI, cap 6. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(11). Retrieved from