Cartesian humanist and post-humanist motives


  • Carlos Schoof Alvarez Pontifical Catholic University of Peru



Descartes, humanism, post-humanism, human subject, machine


The main purpose of this article is to offer a framework for a possible interpretation of some humanist and post-humanist motives in Descartes’ thought. According to this, the article wants to show, appealing to textual evidence, how Cartesian philosophy started a questioning on the status of “the human”, questioning that allows us to reconsider the harsh judgment we make about the anthropocentric and rationalist character of his philosophy. However, we would like to show also the limits this questioning had, and how many of Descartes’ ideas derived indeed into problematic phenomena that many contemporary philosophers, reasonably, denounce.


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Author Biography

Carlos Schoof Alvarez, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Bachelor of Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, he studied Master in the same house of studies. Editorial secretary of the international magazine of philosophy Areté and pre-teacher at the Faculty of General Studies of the PUCP. He has published articles in different countries (Spain, Germany and Peru), in addition to participating in Hegel Kongress 2018 and the ISUD World Congress 2018. His areas of interest are Modern Philosophy, German Idealism, Abrahamic religions, mysticism and history of Marxism


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How to Cite

Schoof Alvarez, C. (2019). Cartesian humanist and post-humanist motives. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(12), 37–53.



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