Freedom and discontinuity. Ibero Gutiérrez and the question of the self


  • Ricardo Viscardi University of the Republic



self, discontinuity, contingency, freedom, individual, post-structuralism, anarchism


The article links together the sensitivity of 1968 and the post-structuralist conception through the historical connection between an emblematic poet of the period in Uruguay and the discussion of the question of the self in Foucault. The discussion is focused through the assumption of a shared basis between post-structuralist questioning of state power—particularly in the work of Foucault—and on the other hand, the anarchist tradition, anchored in the social struggles of modernity. Putting into perspective that the struggles of the 60s and 70s lavished on Foucauldian conception, the question of the self-achieves significant relief, the issue of Foucauldian power differs radically from the neoliberal questioning of the State. In this discussion, decisive for the orientation of the theoretical controversy and political struggles today, the finding of a generational parallel links together a Uruguayan poet killed by the Death Squad and the poststructuralist orientation, highlighting a historical key of critical relevance.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Viscardi, University of the Republic

Diploma of Qualification to the Directorate of Research in Philosophy University (Paris8-St. Denis), Doctor in History and Criticism of Ideologies, Myths and Religions (Paris-X-Nanterre University and High School of Practice Studies), former Director of Science de la Comunicación (UdelaR-Uruguay), member of the National System of Researchers (Uruguay), professor at the Institute of Philosophy (UdelaR-Uruguay).


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How to Cite

Viscardi, R. (2016). Freedom and discontinuity. Ibero Gutiérrez and the question of the self. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(7), 73–88.



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