Construction and use of race in Chile. The occupation of Araucanía and the coloniality of power


  • Christian Eduardo Álvarez Rojas University of Santiago de Chile


race, racism, modernity, coloniality of power, Occupation of Araucanía


In the present article, the construction of the race idea will be analysed under the coloniality of power and social classification frame. At the beginning, it will be shown a brief depiction of racism origins as a typical modern phenomena and its main components, then analysing how this is assimilated in Chile and used as justification for a genocide. Finally, it will be shown some later repercussions and persistences of racism in Chile.

Author Biography

Christian Eduardo Álvarez Rojas, University of Santiago de Chile

Institute of Advanced Studies - Doctoral Student in American Studies


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How to Cite

Álvarez Rojas, C. E. (2017). Construction and use of race in Chile. The occupation of Araucanía and the coloniality of power. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(8), 139–169. Retrieved from