Hermeneutical approach to Nuestra América


  • Francisco Octavio López López Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí


Nuestra América, Latin-American, Hermeneutics, Interpretation, Symbol


I use the hermeneutics to analyse the notion of nuestra América. This notion was spreader just over a century ago by the Cuban poet, intellectual, journalist and militant José Martí. Firstly, I expose an abstract of Martí’s life and work. In the second point, I refer the methodology that I propose to understand him and his work. In third instance, I analyse the notion nuestra América from a set of texts of the author. In a fourth moment, I recover recent authors that have made an effort to rescue and enrich Martí’s proposal, besides I compare their contributions. Ay last but not least, I make a proposal to recover the notion nuestra América as a symbol that would be useful for actual processes.

Author Biography

Francisco Octavio López López, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

Graduate in communication sciences from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí and master in human rights from the same university. This last degree was titled with an honorable mention with the thesis "Calibanization of human rights: philosophical explorations of the subject of human rights around modernity, raciality and utopia from our American thought". Focused on Latin American philosophy and philosophy of human rights. He currently works as a professor at the UASLP in the Faculty of Communication Sciences and has been admitted to the doctorate of Latin American studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


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How to Cite

López López, F. O. (2017). Hermeneutical approach to Nuestra América. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(8), 171–199. Retrieved from https://revistamutatismutandis.com/index.php/mutatismutandis/article/view/174