The Aristotelian Distinction Between Enérgeia and Kinesis Intensionally Understood


  • Matías Alonso Von Dem Universidad de Chile



Aristotle, enérgeia, kinesis, érgon, intensionality


The following article attempts to defend the thesis that the Aristotelian distinction between enérgeia and kínesis must be understood intensionally (as opposed to an extensional reading), taking as its starting point its famous appearance in Met IX 6. On the basis of the identification of the problem about which this passage deals, other apparitions of the distinction in Met IX 8, in the EE, in the NE and in other texts are taken into consideration, in order to document, firstly, the connection of the distinction with the notion of érgon and, secondly, how this connection allows an intensional reading of the distinction. Finally, an additional argument for such a reading is offered considering the teleological structure of the actions presented by Aristotle in NE I 1.


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Author Biography

Matías Alonso Von Dem, Universidad de Chile

Licenciado en Filosofía de la Universidad de Chile, actualmente estudia el Magíster en Filosofía en la misma casa de estudios.


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How to Cite

Von Dem, M. A. (2019). The Aristotelian Distinction Between Enérgeia and Kinesis Intensionally Understood. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(13), 29–41.