The phenomenological project: the teleological culmination of philosophy



Phenomenology, teleology, essence, philosophy, humanity, eidos


This article introduces Husserl’s phenomenological project from his 1991 article Philosophy as a rigorous science, through which it is affirmed that the phenomenology would be the teleological culmination of philosophy. With this purpose, (i) I expose the problematic that gives birth to the phenomenological project, i.e., the crisis of the philosophy, of the sciences, and of the culture; then (ii), I show the genesis of the phenomenology from its critic to the naturalism, pointing out the teleological nature of the phenomenology that emerges from its primary object, teleology that makes possible the scientific character of philosophy; (iii) I finish exposing one moment of the phenomenological ethics with the aim of justifying the principal thesis, because the ethics is a clarification of the teleological essence of the human being that enables a re-directionality of European culture towards its end through a rational normativity, end that is an ethico-rational life, the same end of the philosophy.

Author Biography

Daniel Caballero López, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Maestro y licenciado en filosofía, en el área de metafísica y ontología por la UNAM. Sus estudios giran en torno a las filosofías modernas desde una perspectiva proyectiva, y a la filosofía kantiana, sobre lo cual ha publicado artículos en diversas revistas especializadas.


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How to Cite

Caballero López, D. (2020). The phenomenological project: the teleological culmination of philosophy. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(14), 139–153. Retrieved from