Frey, Herbert (ed. y coord.), El otro Nietzsche. Interpretaciones de su pensamiento en el mundo occidental desde 1970. México D.F.: Conaculta, 2015, 434 páginas. ISBN: 978-607-8423-90-3


  • Anderson Bolívar Miranda Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla


Nietzsche, Herbert Frey


Inspired by the title of the 1984 essay by Reinhardt Maurer: "Der andere Nietzsche: Gerechtigkeit against Utopie", the collection of essays entitled The Other Nietzsche. Interpretations of his thinking in the Western world since 1970, has as its purpose, says Dr. Herbert Frey -one of the authors, editor and coordinator of the work-, "to offer the interested reader an overview, but as complete as possible, of the interpretive currents of Nietzsche's philosophy in various countries of Europe from the 1970s to the first years of the 21st century ".

Author Biography

Anderson Bolívar Miranda, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

Graduated from the Master of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous University of Puebla (Puebla, Mexico), German language teacher at the top level and researcher of Nietzsche and Plato.


Frey, Herbert (ed. y coord.), El otro Nietzsche. Interpretaciones de su pensamiento en el mundo occidental desde 1970. México D.F.: Conaculta, 2015, 434 páginas. ISBN: 978-607-8423-90-3



How to Cite

Bolívar Miranda, A. (2019). Frey, Herbert (ed. y coord.), El otro Nietzsche. Interpretaciones de su pensamiento en el mundo occidental desde 1970. México D.F.: Conaculta, 2015, 434 páginas. ISBN: 978-607-8423-90-3. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(10), 143–148. Retrieved from

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