The authentic existence as ethical counter-imperative in Being and time.



authenticity, Dasein, ethic imperative, Heidegger


The purpose of the following work is to elaborate an ethical-practical problem in relation with the concept of authenticity that Heidegger presents in Being and time. This problem is the product of the hint dependence that the philosopher establishes between authenticity and anguish. Indeed, as without the anguish's experience there is no call of the conscience or neither, therefore, the resolution, the authentic existence is not possible without the anguish, and it stay seclused to be just the outcome of a process with a strong pasive component and exempt of will, as well as the Dasein is left to his inauthenticity and alienation, without the power of doing anything to modificate the form in wich he relates with his existence. Even thought the decisive act implies a component, in a manner of speaking, positive of the Dasein, neither anguish or call are things that are under his control, wich it follows that the conditions of inauthenticity or authenticity are the outcome of purely arbitrary and random conditions.

Author Biography

Ignacio Seguel Dawson, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Licenciado en Filosofía UNAB, estudiante Magíster en Filosofía Universidad Alberto Hurtado


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How to Cite

Seguel Dawson, I. (2022). The authentic existence as ethical counter-imperative in Being and time. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(18), 23–35. Retrieved from