Sexuality, ambiguity, nationality

Abstract The next article analyzes crucial margins of session number 9 of Geschlecht III. Sex, race, nation, humanity (2018). From exams connected to other important sectors of the seminary, it is intended to measure the reading commitments dedicated to tracing what Derrida calls, paraphrasing, the fold of the multiple. Attached to an interpretation scheme about the tropic force that attends to the links between the double meaning of the spiritual (geistig/geistlich) and the duplication of the meaning of Geschlecht (“the species or the sex”, according to the translation of the session ninth), the examination intends to outline, first, the mechanism of folding (pli, Zwiefalt) and precipitation of Derrida's discourse around invaginated plexuses of the great drifts traveled by Heidegger in the second part of "Speech in the poem" . Thus, it is interesting to highlight the values assigned to this economy of the fold in the debate on the impression blow (Schlag) that determines the sexual difference between two types of sexualities and two modes of the two (Zwie): “duplicity” (Zwiefache) and “discord” (Zwietracht). With this same sketch, the essay intends to indicate in what way Heidegger resolves, according to the seminar, the interpretation of the double ambiguity of Georg Trakl's poetic speech, in what way great poetry is referred to Simple Duplicity (einfältigen Zwiefalt) of the fundamental tone (Grundton). Considering this double possibility of the turn, and the necessary reduction, by Heidegger, of the disseminating fold, the article points out the scarce negative function, the strange movement of a negativity that, reduced to extreme rarity, conditions the simplicity of the tone and the harmony (Einklang) of the Poem (Gedicht). From these borders, the writing projects yields on the analysis of nationality, allusively treateds, and associates with the results of the conclusion. Keywords: Derrida, Heidegger, fold, sex, spirit, ambiguity, dissemination, nationality.




Derrida, Heidegger, Ambiguity, Sex, Spirit, Nationality


The article analyzes paraphrastic margins of the ninth session of Geschlecht III (2018), by Jacques Derrida. It is dedicated to tracing, first, the folding and precipitation of the seminar on the slopes explored by Heidegger in “Speech in the Poem”: it tries to decipher the economy of the folding and the blow of the sexual difference between two types of sexualities (duplicity and discord). The essay indicates, second, how Heidegger would have resolved the character of the double ambiguity of Trakl's poetry, reunited in the simple Duplicity of the fundamental tone. The writing reviews, thirdly, the scarce negative function that conditions the tonal simplicity and harmony of the Poem. Finally, it projects results on the analysis of nationality, treated in an allusive manner, and associates these with the conclusion.


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Heidegger, M. (1928). Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Logik Ausgang von Leibniz. Vittorio Klosterman.

Heidegger, M. (1959). Die Sprache im Gedicht, Eine Erörterung von Georg Trakls Gedicht. En F. W. von Hermann (Ed.), Unterwegs zur Sprache. Vittorio Klostermann.

Heidegger, M. (1983). La autoafirmación de la Universidad alemana - El Rectorado, 1933-1934 - Entrevista del Spiegel. EpubLibre.

Heidegger, M. (1990). De camino al habla. Ediciones del Serbal-Guitard.

Heidegger, M. (1994). Conferencias y artículos (V. und Aufsätze, Trad.). Ediciones del Serbal-Guitard.

Heidegger, M. (2000). Über den Humanismus. Vittorio Klostermann.

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How to Cite

Baeza Baeza, R. F. (2024). Sexuality, ambiguity, nationality: Abstract The next article analyzes crucial margins of session number 9 of Geschlecht III. Sex, race, nation, humanity (2018). From exams connected to other important sectors of the seminary, it is intended to measure the reading commitments dedicated to tracing what Derrida calls, paraphrasing, the fold of the multiple. Attached to an interpretation scheme about the tropic force that attends to the links between the double meaning of the spiritual (geistig/geistlich) and the duplication of the meaning of Geschlecht (“the species or the sex”, according to the translation of the session ninth), the examination intends to outline, first, the mechanism of folding (pli, Zwiefalt) and precipitation of Derrida’s discourse around invaginated plexuses of the great drifts traveled by Heidegger in the second part of "Speech in the poem" . Thus, it is interesting to highlight the values assigned to this economy of the fold in the debate on the impression blow (Schlag) that determines the sexual difference between two types of sexualities and two modes of the two (Zwie): “duplicity” (Zwiefache) and “discord” (Zwietracht). With this same sketch, the essay intends to indicate in what way Heidegger resolves, according to the seminar, the interpretation of the double ambiguity of Georg Trakl’s poetic speech, in what way great poetry is referred to Simple Duplicity (einfältigen Zwiefalt) of the fundamental tone (Grundton). Considering this double possibility of the turn, and the necessary reduction, by Heidegger, of the disseminating fold, the article points out the scarce negative function, the strange movement of a negativity that, reduced to extreme rarity, conditions the simplicity of the tone and the harmony (Einklang) of the Poem (Gedicht). From these borders, the writing projects yields on the analysis of nationality, allusively treateds, and associates with the results of the conclusion. Keywords: Derrida, Heidegger, fold, sex, spirit, ambiguity, dissemination, nationality. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 11, 1–14.

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