Nietzsche and the spirit of music



Nietzsche, philosophy, music, tragedy


This paper explores the philosophy and the understanding of the aesthetic experience of F. Nietzsche out of the spirit of music. From the review of the philosophical and musical antecedents that influenced his philosophical conception of music, a new approach is proposed related to the long Nietzschean musical reflection, which moves from the Greek tragedy to the Wagnerian German drama and arrives to the opera Carmen by Bizet, all this with the purpose of showing the influence of Carmen´s music and its story on the philosopher’s mature thought and also elucidating the reasons for his enthusiasm for this work,  in which Nietzsche finally finds the desired state of drunkenness, the experience of vital knowledge and the artistic perfection.

Author Biography

María José Opazo Marinkovic, University of Chile

Es Licenciada en Ciencias y Artes Musicales, PUCV; Licenciada en Artes, Intérprete Musical especialidad Percusión, Magister en Teoría e Historia del Arte y estudiante del Doctorado en Filosofía mención Estética y Teoría del Arte, Universidad de Chile. Estudiante del Doctorado en Filosofía mención Estética y Teoría del Arte de la Universidad de Chile. Becaria ANID-Subdirección de Capital Humano/Doctorado Nacional/2022-2122062


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How to Cite

Opazo Marinkovic, M. J. (2023). Nietzsche and the spirit of music. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(19), 4–13. Retrieved from