Undermining the Current Concept of Health. Untimely Meditations between Physiology and Aesthetics



Health, Body, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Medicine, Contemporary Philosophy


The article deals with the problem of health in Nietzsche’s philosophy. While secondary literature on this topic has been usually confined to his works posterior to 1878, this text especially focusses on an earlier work, i.e., the Untimely Meditations. It is shownow that work is relevant to the topic, for there the author denounces for the first time the inadequacy of general formulas of health. Upon this criticism, he will eventually build his own conception of health and illness. This analysis starts withhat Nietzsche called a cultural and historical illness in the early 1870s: an illness that, paradoxically, generated an inadequate notion of ‘health’. Secondly, this investigation deals with the Nietzschean reaction to that generalised illness, dwelling on the concept of health as an individual process, in the form of a connection between the aesthetic and the physiological fields. Finally, this article elucidates the problems within the concept of the innumerable healths of the body, hinting at some contemporary challenges.

Author Biography

Ludovica Boi, University of Verona

Researcher Fellow at the University of Verona (project HEALING – HEALth and Illness in Nietzsche and the Greeks). In 2020 she has been Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (IISF), with a project on the sources of Giorgio Colli’s metaphysics. She studied at La Sapienza in Rome, was awarded a DAAD fellowship, several IISF training grants, and is a member of the Centro Studi Giorgio Colli, the Italian Society for the History of Religions (SISR), and the European Association of Religion (EuARe). Her research interests concern contemporary philosophy, especially the crisis of reason and the interpretation of Greek wisdom. She is the author of the monograph Il mistero dionisiaco in Giorgio Colli. Linee per una interpretazione (2020), and of various articles published in journals and collective volumes. She is an editor of the scientific journal «Filosofia italiana».


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How to Cite

Boi, L. (2022). Undermining the Current Concept of Health. Untimely Meditations between Physiology and Aesthetics. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(19), 129–140. Retrieved from https://revistamutatismutandis.com/index.php/mutatismutandis/article/view/439