Social State and Social Rights: liberal arguments for constitutionalisation



Social state, social rights, liberalism, autonomy, social cooperation


Since the origins of modern constitutionalism, the incorporation of a catalogue of rights has enjoyed wide acceptance. The foregoing is indisputable if we refer to civil and political rights. However, the same does not occur with social rights and there are different opinions in the literature on its foundation and constitutionalisation. In this regard, the idea of the Constitutional Social State as a mandate to the State to take charge of the difficulties that limit the possibility of developing people's life projects is relevant. This article offers an overview of the current debate about social rights and its connection with the clause of the social rule of law and offers a defence of the constitutionalisation of these rights. To achieve this, a justification for the constitutionalisation of social rights is offered from the liberal tradition based on the notions of autonomy and the idea of ​​society as a system of mutual cooperation.

Author Biographies

Pablo Aguayo Westwood, Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Ética y Democracia. Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile. Es autor de Justicia Social. Conceptos, teorías y problemas (2020) y Reconocimiento, justicia y democracia. Ensayos sobre Rawls (2018).

Santiago Estévez, Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de Derecho en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile. Ayudante de la cátedra Filosofía de la moral y Teoría de la Justicia


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How to Cite

Aguayo Westwood, P., & Estévez, S. (2023). Social State and Social Rights: liberal arguments for constitutionalisation. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(20), 65–75. Retrieved from