Husserl on Kant and the critical view of logic



Husserl, Kant, Parsons, Logic, Normativity


This paper seeks to clarify Husserl’s critical remarks about Kant’s view of logic by comparing their respective views of logic. In his Formal and Transcendental Logic (1929, §100) Husserl criticizes Kant for not asking transcendental questions about formal logic, but rather ascribing an ‘extraordinary apriority’ to it. He thinks the reason for Kant’s uncritical attitude to logic lies in Kant’s view of logic as directed toward the subjective, instead of being concerned with a ‘“world” of ideal Objects’. Whereas for Kant, general logic is about laws of reasoning. Husserl thinks that formal logic should describe formal structures. Husserl claims that if Kant had had a more comprehensive concept of logic, he would have thought of raising critical questions about how logic is possible. This kind of criticism cannot itself use forms of judgments or syllogisms of logic, nor even the ‘inferential’ [Schliessende] method more generally, but should be descriptive in nature. Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology is the method for such criticism. The paper argues that this results in reflection, and possibly revision, of the logical principles with respect to the normative goals governing the investigation in question.


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Author Biography

Mirja Hartimo, University of Helsinki

After having finished my masters degree in environmental economics at the University of Helsinki in 1998, I received a Fulbright Fellowship to enter a doctorate program in philosophy in the US. I graduated from Boston University in 2005 with a thesis ”Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology and the Development of Mathematics in the Late Nineteenth Century” supervised by Jaakko Hintikka. I then returned to Finland where I have taught and researched in various universities (of Helsinki, Tampere, and Jyväskylä), and centers of advanced study: Uppsala (SCAS, 2014) and Oslo (CAS, 2015-2016). Eventually I landed in Helsinki: I am presentely University Lecturer in theoretical philosophy at the University of Helsinki.


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2024-04-03 — Updated on 2024-07-14


How to Cite

Hartimo, M., & Canela Morales, L. (2024). Husserl on Kant and the critical view of logic. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 11(1), 1–13. Retrieved from (Original work published April 3, 2024)