Relevance and Status of the Concept in Hegel’s Philosophy of History


  • Francisco Ábalo Universidad de Chile



Hegel, Philosophy of History, theoretical opposition, idea, spirit, freedom


This article is an attempt toread the introduction of ‘Philosophy of History’ by Hegel,focusing on the conceptual status of the ‘concept’ (idea) of history developed by this author. Read-ing the text with this emphasis, we shall try to confront the main sources of criticism of Hegel'simage of history (vitalism/dialectical materialism). The crucial point is that such critical views re-main at the periphery of the Hegelian approach. This paper considers two main steps. In the firstplace, we shall follow the Hegelian solution of the ‘epistemological’ problem involved in the phi-losophy of history. In the second place, we shall focus on the foundation of the philosophy of history in Logic—understanding this last concept according to Herbert Marcuse’s exegetical vi-sion, i.e. as an ontological logic of the being as mobility. Finally, based on this, we shall interpretthe characters of ‘rationalism’ and ‘optimism’ attributed to the Hegelian approach of history.


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Author Biography

Francisco Ábalo, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad de Chile). Instructor en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad de Chile (Departamento de Filosofía). Líneas de investigación: Historia de la Filosofía, Filosofía Antigua, Moderna y Contemporánea continental, Hegel, Heidegger


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How to Cite

Ábalo, F. (2014). Relevance and Status of the Concept in Hegel’s Philosophy of History. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(3), 59–76.



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