The concept of bürgerliche Gesellschaft in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and his Marxian critique


  • Esteban Gabriel Sánchez National University of the South


Civil Society, Hegel, Philosophy of Right, Marx


The concept of civil society arises a series of relevant considerations. The german expression bürgerliche Gesellschaft used by Hegel contains a characteristic semantic ambiguity and it is peremptory to reconstruct its conceptual history. The expression has been generally translated to spanish as “sociedad civil” (civil society) and to a lesser extent as “sociedad burguesa” (bourgeois society). The history of the term recovered by Hegel contemplates both senses. The core of this work will be dedicate to a detailed analysis of the internal logic of the bürgerliche Gesellschaft. In order to locate sufficiently this section in the Philosophy of Right we will schematically explain, in the first place, the general structure of this work. In the second place we will present the dialectical configuration of the System of Ethical Life. The dialectics of the bürgerliche Gesellschaft are constituted by three moments: a) the system of Needs, b) the administration of justice and c) the police and the corporation. We will articulate the analysis of these three moments with the appropiate passages of the marxian critic of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. This marxian critic will show the limits and problems of the bourgeois liberal paradigm and the need for its overcoming.


Author Biography

Esteban Gabriel Sánchez, National University of the South

Esteban Gabriel Sánchez, student of the Degree in Philosophy from the National University of the South. Diploma in University Diploma in Philosophy of Liberation "Contributions to think from decoloniality" by the National University of Jujuy. He is a research member of the Research Groups Project: “Individual - Individuality - Transindividuality: Towards an ontology of the relationship and its ethical-political projections”, directed by Dr. María Cecilia Barelli and co-directed by Ms. Laura Rodríguez. He has obtained an advanced student research grant, which is entitled: "The centrality of the concept of life (Leben) in the thinking of Karl Marx and his ethical-political projections." He has served as Assistant "b" in the Department of Bioethics of the U.N.S. He has participated as an exhibitor in conferences and conferences with publications such as: "The Marxian conception of community life and work in the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844", "Human life, praxis and ontogenesis of work in the Notebooks of Paris by Karl Marx ", among others.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, E. G. (2018). The concept of bürgerliche Gesellschaft in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and his Marxian critique. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(7), 45–72. Retrieved from