The problem of normativity in Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince


  • Luciana Soria University of the Republic


Machiavelli, Realism, Normativity


This article aims to address the issue of normativity in the political philosophy of Machiavelli. According to the most traditional interpretation of The Prince, the subordination of political decisions to the plane of the factual perspective makes the author a faithful representative of the realist paradigm. In this line, Jürgen Habermas claims that Machiavelli sets a new model of political thought attached to the facts. However, the Uruguayan philosopher Mario Sambarino argues that the Machiavellian reference to the prince’s virtues brings him together with certain ideals of practical normativity. Therefore, the aim of this work will address the tension between the level of the normative and the factual perspectives in the masterpiece of the Florentine philosopher.

Author Biography

Luciana Soria, University of the Republic

Professor of philosophy graduated from the Institute of Artigas Professors (IPA), Bachelor of Philosophy and Master in Contemporary Philosophy from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay


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How to Cite

Soria, L. (2016). The problem of normativity in Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(7), 141–154. Retrieved from