The action of image. The Boehm’s concept of iconic difference and its relation with the platonic theory of arts


  • Paulo Cárdenas Alberto Hurtado University



image, language, iconic difference, production, meaning


This article has the general aim of explain the image theory of Gottfried Boehm and in particular his concept of iconic difference. For this, I present the beginning of this theory both in the platonic philosophy and in the contemporary language philosophy to show his independence as theory thanks to the develop of the key concept of image interpretation: the iconic difference.


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Author Biography

Paulo Cárdenas, Alberto Hurtado University

Degree in Philosophy from the Alberto Hurtado University (UAH), Santiago de Chile; Doctorate student in Philosophy in the same house of studies.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas, P. (2018). The action of image. The Boehm’s concept of iconic difference and its relation with the platonic theory of arts. Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 1(10), 31–48.



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